Online Marriage Law

Nikah Nama-The Marriage Contract

Nikah Nama

Nikah Nama is a Marriage Certificate. Marriages are recorded with the state and a registration number is assigned to each marriage. It is important to secure your marriage certificate. This can help with specific situations such as applying for passports, transferring educational certificates, and sponsorship for your spouse to visit or immigrate to a foreign country. One copy of the certificate is given to each party and another copy is kept by the Union Council. Each party can apply for more copies of the Marriage Certificate as needed. In order to procure this certificate, you must first register your marriage with the relevant authorities in Pakistan

Nikah Nama is a Marriage Certificate.

Nikah Nama is a Marriage Certificate.

Marriages are recorded with the state and a registration number is assigned to each marriage. The nikahnama must be registered within 15 days of the marriage by signing it in the presence of two male witnesses (or one male and two female witnesses). It is then signed by both bridegroom and bride. If you held your wedding at a mosque or Islamic centre, the certificate of marriage can be obtained from them.

Nikah means “marriage” and nama means “certificate”.

Nikah means “marriage” and nama means “certificate”. A Nikahnama is a legal document issued by the union council in Pakistan. It proves that two people have legally married and it also contains a list of witnesses who were present at the ceremony.

The actual contract between husband and wife is called “Nikah”, which means that they are now husband & wife according to their culture or country’s laws. The papers are signed by both parties and their families as well as witnesses who attended the ceremony (which may include members of both families).



Marriages are recorded with the state and a registration number is assigned to each marriage.

The registration of marriages is a legal requirement for all marriages in Pakistan, and the marriage registration certificate serves as proof of marriage. Marriage records are maintained by local government administrations, and copies of these records can be obtained by contacting the relevant administration.


One copy of the certificate is given to each party and the Union Council keeps another copy.

> One copy of the certificate is given to each party and another copy is kept by the Union Council.

> If you want more copies, you can get them from the Union Council.

It is essential to secure your marriage certificate. This can help with specific situations such as applying for passports, transferring educational certificates, and sponsorship for your spouse to visit or immigrate to a foreign country.

It is essential to secure your marriage certificate. This can help with specific situations such as applying for passports, transferring educational certificates, and sponsorship for your spouse to visit or immigrate to a foreign country.

If you need a passport in your married name, you will need to apply using the same form that is used when applying for an original passport. In addition, you will need to submit proof of marriage as well as evidence of identification. The same rules apply if you are renewing an existing passport—a photocopy of your marriage certificate must be submitted along with other documents required by the State Department (such as proof of citizenship).

You may also transfer educational certificates so that they reflect both names on the document. In order to do this, however, you will have to contact each individual institution separately and ask them what options they offer with regard to updating information contained within them after marriage registration has been completed.

Each party can apply for more copies of the Marriage Certificate as needed.

Each party to a Nikah can apply for more copies of the Marriage Certificate as needed. The Marriage Certificate is issued in both English and Urdu versions. A copy of the Marriage Certificate is given to both parties at the time of marriage, but additional copies may be requested from:

  • The Union Council or Municipal Corporation (if you were married outside Pakistan)
  • The Court (if you were married in court)
  • Local Police Station

In order to procure this certificate, you must first register your marriage with the relevant authorities in Pakistan.

A Nikah Nama is a certificate that confirms the marriage of two individuals, and it can be acquired by registering your marriage with the relevant authorities in Pakistan. The registration process involves filling out and submitting an online form, which takes only a few minutes. There is no need to physically visit the union council or any other governmental body during this process, as all information submitted through this form will be electronically recorded by them.

The recorded document which captures the details of your marriage name is called Nikah Nama/Marriage Certificate.

The recorded document which captures the details of your marriage name is called Nikah Nama/Marriage Certificate. It is mandatory for every couple to register their marriage and get a copy of it. If you are looking for a quick guide on how to register your nikah, we have all the information you need here!

Nikah Nama is also known as Marriage Certificate.

Nikah Nama is also known as Marriage Certificate. It is a legal document issued by the union council, and it contains information about the marriage ceremony and other details related to it. This certificate is recognized by law, and it will be used during the dissolving of marriage or inheritance cases if there’s an official written record of your wedding date.

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Nikah Nama meaning in Urdu/English is a marriage contract between husband and wife, which is recognized by the Islamic Community and according to the Pakistani law of family ordinance 1961.

Nikah Nama meaning in Urdu/English is a marriage contract between husband and wife, which is recognized by the Islamic Community and according to the Pakistani law of family ordinance 1961.

Nikah Nama can be given by any Muslim Nikah Khawan/Imam/Qazi but it should be provided with two witnesses from both sides. If you want to get this done then contact matrimonial/family lawyers in Pakistan.

(Nikah Nama) the marriage certificate is a legal document issued by the union council.

(Nikah Nama) The marriage certificate is a legal document issued by the union council. It is a record of marriage and proof of marriage between bride and groom.

The Nikah Nama (marriage certificate) is a contract between husband and wife, which serves as an agreement to live together and create a family bond forever.

Online Nikah Pakistan

Nikah Nama online services are available in all cities of Pakistan.

Nikah Nama online services are available in all cities of Pakistan. Team of experts who are available for you 24/7. Matrimonial Lawyers provide online services for all cities of Pakistan, no matter your nationality, religion or language.

By doing this and get a great reward from Allah Almighty.

Nikah Nama is a marriage certificate, which is also known as Marriage Certificate. Nikah Nama meaning in Urdu/English is a marriage contract between husband and wife, which is recognized by the Islamic Community and according to the Pakistani law of Family Ordinance 1961.

You can register your Nikah Online with the Pakistani Nikah Nama Service Free Registration

In a society where people are constantly on the move, it’s hard to find time to visit a lawyer’s office and submit the paperwork. That’s why it has made it so much easier for you by introducing the online registration service. With this option, you can register your marriage in Pakistan from anywhere around the world! We offer an easy process for free registration of nikah with just two clicks of a button. All you need is an email address and internet access!

This service comes with many benefits:

  • No need to go anywhere
  • Save Time
  • Save Money

What is Nikah Nama?

When a couple chooses to get married in Pakistan, they must first register their marriage with the local government. As part of this registration process, a marriage certificate called a “Nikah Nama” will be issued. Once this document is completed and signed by both parties to the marriage, it can then be used as proof that you are married when applying for residency visas or other related purposes.

A nikah nama records all important details about your marriage: who each partner is, where they were married and at what time (including which month), what each partner’s country of origin was—if different from their current nationality—and even where each partner was born (if not in their present home country). The document also includes signatures from witnesses who attended at least one side of the ceremony. If there were no witnesses present on either side of the ceremony but there were two official witnesses total instead of three official ones total then two other people must sign off on certain portions so that everything checks out right according to local law regulations which govern legalities within these types situations etcetera but don’t worry too much because I’m pretty sure that it’s not going anywhere anytime soon so just relax okay?

What things are needed in the marriage contract?

In order to be valid, a marriage contract must contain the following things:

  • The name of the groom and bride.
  • Their ages (or date of birth for minors).
  • Date and place of marriage.
  • Signature of witnesses who are present at the time of signing.
What is written in Nikah Nama?

A Nikah Nama is a legal document that describes the details of a marriage, including the date of marriage, names of the couple and witnesses, signatures of the qazi who conducted it and signatories to this document. It also includes information on who is responsible for payments to whom based on Islamic Law (sharia).

The nikah nama can be prepared in advance by an individual or by a lawyer. It should only be filled out by a Muslim person recognized by Sharia law as qualified to do so; this is usually someone from Pakistan or India who has been trained in Islam and knows how to write Arabic script that conforms with Islamic tradition. A template available online may be used as guidance when filling out this form; however it is important not to use any language that violates cultural norms in your country as these documents are often recorded permanently within government archives!

What things should be included in the marriage contract (nikah nama)?

The Nikah Nama is a contract that outlines the terms of your marriage, including what you will provide for your spouse and how to resolve any disputes. It should include:

  • Your names and addresses.
  • Date and place of marriage.
  • Names, addresses and signatures of witnesses (two male Muslims).

How many witnesses are required for the marriage contract (nikah nama)?

Two witnesses are required for the marriage contract (nikah nama). The witnesses must be adults and Muslims. The witnesses must have seen the bride and groom give their consent to the marriage.

With our online services, we provide a simple, quick and hassle-free way to register your marriage.

With our online services, we provide a simple, quick and hassle-free way to register your marriage. With just a few steps you can get married and have the most beautiful nikah nama online in just a few minutes!

Our services provide you with the best way of registering your marriage at affordable prices with no hidden charges or fees. Our services are available throughout Pakistan and abroad as well, so wherever you may be located, we can help make sure that everything goes smoothly during this important time for yourself and your family.

We have made the Nikah Nama process easy for you. Just fill out our online form and pay for the service. We will make sure that your marriage certificate is ready within one business day.