Online Marriage

Online Nikah: Our Online Nikah & Marriage Registration Service in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Lahore, Pakistan For Pakistanis & Muslim World

Online Nikah: Our Online Nikah & Marriage Registration Service is available in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Lahore, Pakistan For the Muslim World

Online Nikah Service: Online Nikah with/without Documents can be done in all countries. In Pakistan, Malaysia, Egypt, USA, UK, Canada & Europe, online Nikah is very common now. Online Nikah is legal. Online Nikah through Vakeel/attorney is allowed  in Islam. Online Nikah is possible through an attorney, vakil, or proxy. Online Nikah can be used to register for marriage in Pakistan and solemnize nikah. Online nikah registration services are available in Karachi and Islamabad as well as Rawalpindi, Rawalpindi, and Lahore (Pakistan), through the Pakistan Legal Forum. The Pakistan Legal Forum has launched the online nikah service. It is available in several cities, including Karachi and Rawalpindi.

What is Online Nikah?

While online Nikah has been around for a while, it is now a very popular way to get married. It is possible with the aid of technology and it is not forbidden by Islam. Both the bride and groom should be present for the ceremony. However, they don’t have to physically be present at any specific location. As long as they are in contact with one another and can listen to and communicate via video or internet chat, they are allowed to attend.

Couples from all over the globe can marry online using Online Nikah

Online Nikah allows anyone to sign a legal contract of marital union without the need to travel internationally.

Nikah Khawan, Online Marriage/Nikah Online, is an attorney/Vakil who conducts the online marriage.

Online Nikah can be defined as a marriage conducted online by a Nikah Khawan/Imam at a Masjid, or a religious leader, in the presence of an attorney/vakil. It can be done via the internet or phone, or another electronic method.

The conditions of online nikah/marriages vary depending on the type and extent of online marriages:

  • Both parties must agree to the online nikah/marriage and give their consent. When determining whether your marriage will be valid, it is important to consider if the parties make different statements about their ages (if you’re under 18), If either of you lacks knowledge about Islam, or is not well-informed about the meaning of marriage, this could impact whether your marriage will be recognized as valid under Islamic law.


Online Nikah Pakistan

What are the rules regarding Online Marriage or Nikah?

Online Marriages are valid so long as you only intend to marry for Allah’s sake and not for any other reason. For an online marriage to be valid, you would need to adhere to the same rules as a regular marriage. This includes having at least two Muslim, sane men witness your ceremony and the husband promising or paying the dower money.

A trusted person can act as the wakil (attorney), for a bride who is not present at the wedding. You will need to ensure that she has all of her documents, so you can give them to you when you meet in person.

Online Nikah Pakistan

Types of Online Marriage

Islam allows online Nikah. Online marriages are valid and permissible if they meet the following conditions:

  • Nikah must only be performed with the intention of marriage between two persons (one male, one female). It is not possible to just type “nikah” in Google and marry someone in Pakistan accidentally.
  • Performers of nikah must be a valid marriage authority (Nikah Registry/Qazi). This means that the performer must have knowledge of fiqh and jurisprudence. He also needs to be able to read Arabic in order to understand the Quran. Also, he must be able to identify grounds for divorce or child custody rights.
  • Both parties gave their consent freely and without coercion or pressure from any other person, parents/other relatives/friends included.

Online Nikah/Online Marriage is Not Prohibited

It may seem strange to you that online marriage is allowed in Islam. You may be wondering, “Is online marriage permissible in Islam?”. It is valid and allowed according to our faith.

Online Nikah/online marriage has many benefits

  • This saves you the trouble of visiting a mosque or Nikah Khawan in person. It also allows you to get exactly what it is you need without having to pay additional fees.
  • It is important to get a better understanding of your partner before you commit to marriage. You can get to know your partner better before you decide on marriage.
  • You have more time than someone who lives far from family. This means that there is less stress for both the parties.

Today, many people seek out an online nikah/online marriage in Pakistan. This is because they are looking to save time, money, and energy. A majority of people are also interested in an online marriage/nikah for Pakistan.

Online Nikah in Pakistan offers many benefits. Our website contains all information regarding this service. All requirements required for Nikah are listed on our website. Our website allows you to find information about Nikah by contacting an attorney/authorized person. Nikah can also be provided via Zoom, WhatsApp, and video conference.

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Online Nikah/Marriage is Fast and Convenient in Pakistan

Online Nikah is a quick and simple way to get married. It’s fast and convenient! Online marriages are possible in just a few seconds. Only a smartphone is required and you will need an internet connection. No need to worry about getting to your spouse’s home or waiting for the nikah ceremonies to happen.

Islamic Requirements for Online Nikah

The requirements for Nikah are the same as those for offline Nikah. Either the groom or bride must be Muslim adults. The bride must be single and not have any other relationships (such as with her husband). After their marriage ceremony, the couple must agree that they will live together as husband/wife.

(1) Online Nikah or Online Marriage by Skype or Video Conference

You and your partner can both see each other in an online nikah/online wedding via Skype or Video Conference. As long as the need exists, this contact is permitted in Islam. It should not be used if it is not needed.

  • Skype or Video Conferences can be used when necessary to help family members or those who are sick or in need of money.
  • Another reason this type of communication might be helpful is when you cannot travel long distances because of financial or illness.
Online Nikah Pakistan

(2) Online Nikah and Online Marriage by Telephone

The bride and groom can substitute by calling the telephone. You will need to wait at most 3 days if you wish to perform Nikah again in person after performing Nikah over the phone with your fiance.

Telephone calls cannot substitute for witnesses. If you perform Nikah over the phone, two witnesses must be present at the time.

Telephone calls cannot be substituted for Wakil’s presence during your religious marriage ceremony (Nikah online); therefore, if you did not perform Nikah with your fiance previously but want to do so now (for example after being divorced or widowed), then someone who has witnessed this marriage between yourself and your husband/wife must act as your legal representative/attorney/proxy (Wakil).

Online Nikah is always done through an Attorney/Proxy/Authorized person

Keep in mind that an online Nikah is possible only if you appoint someone (employee) as your attorney/vakil/proxy/authorized agent. Your attorney/vakil is responsible for conducting your nikah ceremonies. This can be done by appointing an authorized individual, such as an attorney/friend, who will act for you at the wedding event.

A nikah, an Islamic marriage contract, is called. It allows two people to be married according to the Islamic laws. It is a binding agreement between two individuals and it requires the presence at least two Muslim, adult, and sane witness. Signing a document, known as nikahnama/marriage agreements, by both parties is necessary. This can be done in person, or through an attorney/vakil.

Requirements for Online Nikah

The practice of nikah is possible in Pakistan via video conferencing software, such as Zoom and WhatsApp. Islam has specific requirements for Nikah.

  1. If the bride is to marry someone she loves, she should be mature enough.
  2. She must have reached puberty (i.e. started menstruating).
  3. She must not be engaged or married to someone else (unless she has been granted a divorce/annulment from a previous marriage).

Online Nikah also acts as a Binding Contract as Usual Nikah

Nikah refers to the Islamic marriage. It is a legally binding contract between the husband and wife. It is the formal marriage ceremony which is performed in the presence of two witnesses, one adult male witness. A Muslim male can marry an authorized person or attorney. For the marriage to be legal, both must go through Nikah.

Islam’s Nikah requirements:

The groom should be healthy in mind and body, mentally mature, and capable of making his own decisions. He should be past puberty. The financial resources of the bridegroom should be sufficient to support a family. The minimum age of the bridegroom should be 18 years.

Online Nikah Pakistan

Online Nikah in Pakistan

Online Nikah is a brand new method of marrying in Pakistan. It is simple and inexpensive, making it very popular. This type of marriage is popular in Pakistan. Before you marry your partner through this method, here are some things you should know.

According to matrimonial laws, you must be 18 or older to marry. Even though you can get married even when you’re underage, it is not recommended. It is not considered legal marriage according to the local laws in Sindh province or Islamabad until you reach your 18th year of maturity.

Islam Allows Polygamy but it is Subject to Certain Conditions

If all legal requirements are met, a Muslim can marry four women at once. A Pakistani law allows a man to marry another woman after the first wife dies or if his ex-wife gives Khula’a (divorce) permission. You might not be aware that it is not Islamic law and therefore, the Pakistani people do not believe it to be valid. All religious leaders in Pakistan do not recognise it. They also believe that the state is not responsible for the Islamic marriage laws. Furthermore, the constitution of Pakistan states that parliament and dictators are prohibited from amending the Islamic laws. To avoid being bound by the state’s laws, people find alternative ways. We know of no instance of

Online Nikah can be done in Pakistan.

These requirements are necessary to perform a Nikah

  1. The legal age for both men and women should be 18 years.
  2. Both parties must be Muslim, and they must have accepted Islam as their faith.
  3. A man can marry up to four times, but a woman may only marry once in her entire life.
  4. If the bride and groom are under 18, they must obtain consent from their guardians/parents before they can marry.

Nikah through an Authorized Person/an Attorney

An authorized person must perform an official nikah service. For example, an attorney or an Imam.

Nikah is a religious ceremony where two Muslims are married. It is performed by an imam or another authorized person, with two witnesses.

Nikah, in Pakistan, is performed after the couple have exchanged rings and committed to marriage. You can also make this agreement via WhatsApp, or any other chatting app.

A Nikah can also be done through an attorney or authorized person, even if the groom and bride are not in their country for the ceremony. Due to their busy schedules and other reasons, it may be difficult for them both to get married in person. You can have your Nikah by video conference, Zoom or WhatsApp. They can also meet up whenever they are off work or school.

Online Nikah in Pakistan

Online Nikah, the best and most convenient method to get married in Pakistan, is the best. Because it is easy and quick, online nikah doesn’t take much time or effort. Here are the requirements to nikah

-You must be at least 18 years old

-You must be single

-You must be Muslim

-Brides and grooms should be present for the signing of the documents by both sides.

You can start your online nikah in Pakistan if you meet all the requirements. If you prefer, you can also marry via video conference or Zoom.

Online Nikah offers a new method of performing nikah. Technology has enabled us to connect with people from all walks of life.

Nikah, a religious ceremony that binds two people together in marriage, is called. The ceremony is performed by an authorized person or attorney according to Islamic guidelines. After that, the couple is legally married for life.

Islam has Specific Requirements for Nikah

It is important to do the right thing when it comes to your marriage. Your marriage has a significant impact on your own life as well as the lives of your family members. Online marriage is possible for many reasons. Perhaps you’re an interfaith couple or perhaps you don’t feel ready to have a traditional wedding. No matter what reason, we can help.

We strive to help our clients achieve happiness and fulfillment in their lives by providing matrimony. We offer online matrimony in Pakistan and many other services. Our team is composed of professionals with years of experience who are determined to provide excellent service at reasonable prices. We strive to provide the best possible experience for every client so they come back to us again and again.